Dedicated to reducing the burden of cancer in Ohio.

Membership Application

Banding Together for a Cancer-Free Future for All Ohioans

The Ohio Partners for Cancer Control (OPCC) invites individuals and organizations with an interest in cancer prevention and control to join in OPCC’s vision – a cancer-free future for all Ohioans. The OPCC coalition understands that a successful coalition maximizes the talents of its individual members, but the true power of teamwork comes from the group's cohesion and combined energies focused on a common goal. For more information about OPCC, please visit

To review the OPCC Bylaws, please click the link below.

OPCC Bylaws

Membership Application 2024

  • For the purpose of tracking geographic equity in the OPCC membership, please provide your residence county and zip code.
  • Membership Information

    OPCC has two membership types, Active and Associate. Please select the membership type for your application.


    Active Member: An active member has full voting privileges and is defined as an individual who adheres to the requirements listed under OPCC Bylaws, Article II Section 5(A). Please refer to the OPCC Bylaws.

    Associate Member: An associate member is not required to attend any meetings, does not have voting privileges, and may not hold an office or leadership role. Associate members may participate on any topical workgroups/committees, attend coalition meetings, and receive written correspondence related to OPCC. (Associate Members are invited to change their status to Active Member at any time).

    For more information and to review the OPCC Bylaws, click the link at the top of the membership application page.

  • Topical Workgroups & Committees

    OPCC has various topical workgroups for the implementation of the State Cancer Plan. Workgroups are divided into three categories: Primary Prevention, Early Detection, and, Quality of Life. Additionally, there are three committees.

    Please select topical workgroups and/or committees in which you would like to participate. Co-leads for your selection will be notified and will reach out to you to discuss participation. (Please only select up to two, more can be selected at a later date.) :

  • Membership Directory Consent

    OPCC understand how important it is for you to be able to leverage all the assets that OPCC offers. One of those assets is having the ability to network and collaborate with each other outside of our OPCC meetings. Please complete the information below to be included in the OPCC Membership Directory. Please note, membership information is only shared with OPCC members and is not listed or published on the OPCC website.

  • For the purpose of the Membership Directory, information such as name, organization, and email address will be used from your membership application. Physical addresses will not be shared. Below are some additional questions for the directory that will identify possible collaboration. This information is optional.

  • Revised 08/23/2024

Tobacco objectives in the OPCC Cancer Plan are supported through Tobacco Free Ohio Alliance (TFOA). For more information about TFOA click here.

Roles & Responsibilities

Expectations for OPCC Members

Members include individuals as well as organizational representatives. Representation includes hospitals, universities, cancer centers, health care professional associations, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, the legislature, businesses, minority health coalitions, community organizations, and individuals impacted by cancer.

  • Endorse the mission, purpose, goals, and objectives of OPCC
  • Commit as an organization and/or individual to assist with implementation of the Ohio Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.
  • Share information about the efforts of OPCC and its priorities with interested organizations and programs across the state.
    • For members representing organizations/distinct programs, communicate their organization’s/distinct program’s viewpoints to OPCC.
    • For members representing organizations/distinct programs, inform their organization/distinct program of OPCC’s mission, decisions, and activities.
    • Receive regular communication from OPCC about comprehensive cancer control issues and activities. Share these updates with representing organizations/programs as appropriate. Submit information about their organization’s program activities for publication in OPCC communications (website and/or newsletter).
    • Attend a majority of general meetings in a calendar year. When unable, send a representative to attend.
    • Participate on at least one workgroup developed to implement OPCC priorities, if applicable.
    • Identify opportunities for collaborations among members and member organizations to support the Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.

Expectations of the OPCC Executive Committee

This Committee includes the OPCC Executive Co-Chairs, Goal Area Co-Chairs, leads of ad hoc committees, and a member at large. A representative from the Ohio Department of Health’s Comprehensive Cancer Control Program will also be part of this committee. According to the by-laws: “A standing member of the Executive Committee, the Administrator is the program manager for the Ohio Department of Health Comprehensive Cancer Control Program and shall act as the chief administrator of the OPCC.”

  • Support strategic direction for OPCC.
  • Assure progress in implementing OPCC prorities.
  • Assess membership composition, identify gaps and recruit to fill those gaps.
  • Establish committees & workgroups as necessary to fulfill the mission, purpose, objectives, and strategies of the OPCC.
  • Strive to engage members in a meaningful way.
  • Support a process for decision-making.
  • Maintain communication channels (website, newsletters, etc ).
  • Attend all Executive Committee There are a minimum of three meetings a year to set the agenda for the OPCC general membership meetings, and additionally, if needed.
  • Recruit OPCC members from all geographic quadrants of Ohio, including high-level decision makers and representatives from stakeholder organizations.
  • Endorse the mission, purpose, goals, and objectives of OPCC
  • Commit as an organization and/or individual to assist with implementation of the Ohio Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.
  • Share information about the efforts of OPCC and its priorities with interested organizations and programs across the state.
    • For members representing organizations/distinct programs, communicate their organization’s/distinct program’s viewpoints to OPCC.
    • For members representing organizations/distinct programs, inform their organization/distinct program of OPCC’s mission, decisions, and activities.
    • Receive regular communication from OPCC about comprehensive cancer control issues and activities. Share these updates with representing organizations/programs as appropriate. Submit information about their organization’s program activities for publication in OPCC communications (website and/or newsletter).
    • Attend a majority of general meetings in a calendar year. When unable, send a representative to attend.
    • Participate on at least one workgroup developed to implement OPCC priorities, if applicable.
    • Identify opportunities for collaborations among members and member organizations to support the Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.

Ohio Department of Health Comprehensive Cancer Control Program staff

As noted above, the Ohio Department of Health Comprehensive Cancer Control Program will have a representative who will act as chief administrator of the OPCC. Responsibilities include:

  • Serve as a standing member (one representative, one vote) on the OPCC Executive Committee.
  • Administrator is responsible for the daily operations of the OPCC.
  • Serve as agent for all notifications and financial matters and duties assumed by the Chair and/or their designee.
  • Provide a written summary of OPCC meeting discussions, decisions, and actions.
  • Provide meeting support including working with OPCC chairs to set meeting agendas, handle meeting logistics (space, food, materials/printing, ).
  • Provide additional administrative assistance and support to OPCC.

The implementation of the 2021 – 2030
Cancer Plan will be led by Co-Chairs for the three Goal Areas: Primary
Prevention, Early Detection, and Quality of Life. Within each Goal Area
any topical workgroup member can move the strategies forward.

This document communicates the expectation for the Goal Area
Co-Chairs and for the topical workgroup Leads/Co-Leads. This document
will be updated as needed. Reach out to the OPCC Executive Co-Chairs
with questions at [email protected].

Goal Area Co-Chairs

There will be Co-Chairs for each Goal Area (Primary Prevention, Early Detection, Quality of Life) who will:

  • Make a good faith commitment to the position for two years, like the other OPCC term expectations (Executive Committee, Executive Co-Chairs).
  • Be an OPCC member.
  • Serve as a member of the OPCC Executive Committee

Responsibilities include:

  • Ensure at least one topical workgroup is actively working on implementing the Cancer Plan’s strategies; (there is no maximum.)
    • Work with the Exec Committee to search for a topical lead/replacement/etc. as the need
  • Report out work/progress, as needed, at the OPCC general membership meetings.
  • Complete an Action Planning Tool.
  • Convene the topical workgroups at the OPCC general membership meetings
    • Receive an update from the active topical workgroup chairs prior to the OPCC meetings if the leads are unable to attend the OPCC General Membership Meeting.
    • Facilitate the share out of work by the topical workgroups during the breakout The Goal Area chairs can decide how to organize their time during the Goal Area breakout session, depending on how many topical workgroups are actively working on Cancer Plan strategies.
    • If both chairs are unable to attend a meeting, then the chairs are responsible for collecting updates to share and identifying one of the topical workgroup leads to report and facilitate.
  • Check-in at least three times a year with the active topical workgroups – (e.g., Are you still meeting? What’s happening? Successes/challenges?).
  • Support topical Lead/Co-leads to provide support and assistance around management of the topical workgroups.
  • Liaise, as needed, between the topical workgroups and the health equity and data ad-hoc Committees.

Finally, the Goal Area chairs and OPCC Executive Committee will review progress on the Cancer Plan periodically. A more in-depth review will occur no later than the five-year point in the Cancer Plan implementation, which will include identification and recruitment of leads in topics that have not implemented strategies. The OPCC’s ultimate goal is to work on each topical area over the 10-year span of the Cancer Plan.

OPCC Secretary

There will be one member who commits to taking fairly comprehensive notes of three (3) general membership meetings for one (1) year beginning in the month of November.

  • Work with ODH staff to compile and issue the notes for publication onto the OPCC website.

Topical Workgroup Lead/Co-Leads

There will be a Lead or Co-Leads for each topical workgroup. These topic area leads will:

  • Make a good faith commitment to the position for two years, like the other OPCC term expectations (Executive Committee, Executive Co-Chairs, ).
  • Be an OPCC member.

Responsibilities include:

  • Convene a workgroup of volunteers who are committed to implementing at least one strategy in the Cancer Plan.
  • Communicate, at minimum, with the workgroup members quarterly, though this may happen more Communications might include meetings, emails, or other communications. This communication is expected to take place outside of the OPCC meetings, as OPCC meeting breakout sessions will primarily be used to meet as a Goal Area (primary prevention, early detection, quality of life).
  • Encourage topical workgroup members to become an OPCC member and attend meetings, as they are able.
  • Provide progress updates to the Goal Area group (Co-Chairs, other topical leads in the Goal Area, workgroup members) at least three times a year, during the OPCC General Membership Meetings (February, May, October). These updates will include your progress, successes, and challenges.
  • Attend, as often as able, the OPCC General Membership Meetings.
  • Complete an Action Planning Tool.

Expectations for Topical Workgroup Members

  • Commit to receiving and engaging with at least one communication from the Lead/Co-Leads quarterly.
  • Participate in workgroup meetings, which will occur outside of the OPCC General Membership Meetings.
  • Consider becoming an OPCC member and attending OPCC General Membership Meetings.
  • Stay in communication with the topical workgroup Leads/Co-Leads about your availability to contribute to implementing the strategies.
  • Take an active role in implementing strategies, understanding there will be some level of work involved outside of meetings.

Expectations for Health Equity and Data Ad Hoc Workgroup

The Health Equity and Data ad hoc workgroup will support the work of the topical workgroups. Members of these workgroups are expected to:

  • Join the Health Equity or Data workgroup and represent such workgroup in one of the topical workgroups.
  • Support the topical workgroups by providing resources or guidance, technical assistance, or other assistance.
  • Learn from the topical group Lead/Co-Leads and members.
  • Commit to receiving and engaging with at least one communication from the topic Lead/Co-Leads quarterly.
  • Consider becoming an OPCC member.
  • Participate in the Health Equity/Data Workgroup meetings and communications as requested by the workgroup Lead/Co-Leads. Both of these ad hoc committees will have meetings as needed and may implement their own projects.

We Always Welcome New Members

Together, we can achieve more. New members and fresh ideas are always welcome! OPCC will achieve far greater success than could be accomplished by individual organizations working alone.